New Chapter | 新的一頁

Today marks our new chapter. A pause for living in Hong Kong, my wife and I moved to UK! A funny thing is we never been in UK before, and now we decided to live here. Everything is new and like an adventure, hope can settle down soonest.

今天我們開始了新的一頁。暫別香港的生活,移居英國。充滿着新奇同探險嘅感覺 , 希望能夠盡快適應新生活。

Heathrow Airport T5 Arrival Hall | 希斯路機場第五航廈入境大堂


I passed the CISSP-ISSAP exam on August 25, 2021 in a Hong Kong testing centre. Since there is no need to find an endorser for CISSP Concentrations, I did my self endorsement procedures and officially received my electronic certificate today.

Practice questions were actually useless. None of the practice questions appears on the actual exam. Prepare the exam is not that difficult. I had been working in the information security sector for more than 20 years, most of the questions are security common sense.

As of today, there are 2158 active CISSP-ISSAP worldwide, 28 in Hong Kong and 181 in United Kingdom. Am I the 2159th worldwide, the 29th in Hong Kong and the 182nd in United Kingdom? I am so excited for being a CISSP-ISSAP.

我於2021年8月25日在香港一家考試中心考了CISSP-ISSAP考試,並合格。 由於CISSP Concentrations不需要找另一位ISC2會員確認資格,所以我自己做了自我確認程序,今天正式收到了我的CISSP-ISSAP證書。

練習題(dump)其實完全冇用。 實際考試中沒有出現任何練習題。 準備考試並不困難,我在資訊保安領域工作了20多年,大部分問題對我來說都是常識。
