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Scottish Oysters | 蘇格蘭生蠔

After searching for a while, I found there are Oyster selling on Ocado. Each box contains 12 pcs of Scottish Oysters, sold at £12. I also bought 5 pcs of lemons, sold at £1.05. 搵咗一陣間,喺Ocado搵到有生蠔賣。一盒有12隻,每盒售價£12,買咗兩盒。另外買咗一袋檸檬,有五個,售價£1.05。 Ocado Link | Ocado 鏈接 Oyster shucker knife and gloves were purchased from Amazon at £11.99. 開蠔刀同手套就係Amazon買,£11.99。 Amazon Link | …

Is your freezer cold enough for salmon sashimi freezing? | 你的冰箱夠凍做三文魚刺身嗎?

According to FDA suggestion, serving raw fish dishes need specific freezing process to the raw fish. The short version is: Freeze the raw fish at -20°C for 7 days then defrost OR Freeze the raw fish at -35°C for 15 hours then defrost 根據FDA的建議,食用刺身需要對生魚類進行特定的冷凍程序。 簡單嚟講: 在攝氏零下20度冷藏生魚類7天,之後解凍 或者 在攝氏零下35度冷藏生魚類15小時,之後解凍 FDA Detailed Information | FDA 詳細資料 Come …

About William | 關於William

William is an information security professional with various professional information technology and security certifications.  These certifications include CISSP-ISSAP, CISA, CISM, CDPSE, TOGAF9 and various vendor specific certifications.

William 是一名資訊保安專家,擁有各種專業的資訊科技和資訊保安證書。 這些證書包括 CISSP-ISSAP、CISA、CISM、CDPSE、TOGAF9 和一些設備供應商特定的證書。